Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Jobs Scarce for High School Dropouts

To Graduate or to Not

     Recently published study by Statistics Canada indicates that one in four dropouts aged 20 to 24 were unable to find work in the thick of the recession – and that the gap between their jobless rate and their counterparts who graduated widened. Just before the downturn, the jobless rate for dropouts was 18 per cent, more than double the rate of 8.4 per cent among recent high school graduates who were not in school. In the deepest part of the recession, the rate for dropouts hit 21.3 per cent, and climbed further to 23.2 per cent early this year.

     That’s about twice as much as for recent high school completers who were not enrolled in school.

    So what is there to think about this? As a gr. 11 student I can't think of a worse situation to be in than dropping out of high school because of some moronic instinct and end up not being able to fulfill my intended purpose. Also revealed in the study was that the dropout rates among young immigrants tended to be lower than the rates of their Canadian-born counterparts. Is this my silver lining? No, I believe my saving grace is knowing that I won't have to experience the thrashing/verbal appraisal I'd receive for not completing my high school education!

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