Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pennsylvania woman acquitted for shooting husband

Mary Beth Harshbarger shown with then husband Mark

American hunter, Mary Beth Harshbarger, was recently found not guilty of criminal negligence after shooting her husband during a hunting trip in Newfoundland. She claimed that while crouched a short distance away (and walking towards her) he appeared to be a bear. At that precise moment, Mary (who was quite the seasoned hunter) shot at the "bear" who died on the spot.

Two years later,Justice Richard LeBlanc of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland acquitted Mary, who claimed that she had not in fact "breached the standard of care expected of hunters in such circumstances".

What? Has our justice system run amok? What person in their right mind would rule the murder of a man by gunfire as plain misfortune? It was revealed during court proceedings that Mary was, in fact, having an affair with Mark's brother, and yet this played no part in the judges verdict? Even a simple band of teenagers would have been able to see right through the crook! And if it was, in fact, a mistake, then can such a mistake go unpunished? Can we sincerely say that Mary deserves absolutely no jail time or punishment? All simple yet important questions we need to ask ourselves when dealing with reckless people. 

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